True contentment and Faith (Part3)

Now I don't know if my faith has anything to do with me coming up with this idea of contentment for me, but I can say that it sure does model the kind of contentment I talked about. Catholicism recognizes that life is not without  struggles and that we have a God who attained joy and peace for us through suffering. He doesn't delude us with fake promises of a life of constant pleasure and roses like the world does, because let's face it, anyone who promises you that is lying to your face. Instead, he looks us in the eye and tells us, "Hun, life is going to be tough, but guess what? I made it through and I will help you make it through". He helps us realize that in fact, a life of true contentment does not mean one without suffering. He gives us so much peace and joy in our hearts that no matter if we are in the middle of a tornado, our hearts will be calm and no matter if the world turns against us, we still feel joy in having His company.

I'm glad I believe in a religion that doesn't lie to me about the struggles I will go through in life or cover them up and instead finds a way to help me through it. I love the Catholic Church because she understands that the church is made of sinners, not perfect robots, and we all can use some love and some help. People ask us why we are so focused on guilt and suffering and I ask you, aren't you too? Don't tell me you've never laid awake at night thinking of your regrets, things you wish you could undo, or that you don't go through feelings of loneliness or sadness or abandonment or anxiety in your life. Everyone feels guilty for things and everyone has struggles and the Catholic church, like a true mother feeds you the sacraments for fuel and then slowly helps you grow up, face your mistakes and your crosses and man up and take responsibility and do something about it.

 The beauty of Christianity and of the Catholic church is that they realize we make mistakes and give us opportunities to turn back from them and be better people. Not only that, they hold us by the shoulders and tell us to love everyone, perfect or not, because guess what, we're not perfect either and if we still feel we deserve love, then so do they. What better therapy for the heart than to learn to give love? It snaps you right out of any immature or childish thoughts you may have had before doesn't it?

God asks us through the church to face each day head on with courage and love because I suspect He knows its really the only way to live. He doesn't ask us to hide in our rooms to preserve our holiness lest the world splash dirt onto our white dresses. He asks us to go out, to leave and as St. Francis said, to "preach the gospel always, but when necessary use words". That means the best way we can spread this message of life and love is by showing people how to do it.

Love unconditionally and forgive and forget so you can continue loving. Be brave in times of struggles and stand strong and show the world you don't have to run away from problems, you can stand up to them with peace in your heart. Live! Go out and live every moment because as Pope John Paul II said, do not be afraid that accepting your faith means you lose your freedom, in fact the opposite is true! When you know who you are and you have true peace and joy within you, you can walk into any scenario in the world and walk out with your soul unscathed. Show the world that living on the edge isn't going to a party every weekend...its going skydiving, para sailing, hiking, camping, being know, really living.


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