Broken Hearts

Broken hearts don’t mend so easy
They do in fact seem to strive to stay broken because the pain itself is a relief
Broken hearts don’t mend easy you see,
I should know, my heart is broken most days
And you may question how, since I’ve never really taken a lover, but you see,
Loved ones can do the job just as easy.
And they’re abundant, broken hearts that is.
Some days I feel as if I am swimming in a sea of lonely broken hearts
Hearts dissuaded by others,
Hearts that feel unloved, unwanted and alone
Everywhere I look, I see them,
Men and women who guard themselves from heartbreak
They fight, they fuss for attention;
They make remarks that prove to others that they can cut too, hence deterring them from taking a stab
They bite humor into their wounded words to show the world that they’re stronger than the truth
They sit saddened by the lack of friends to guide and guard their every decision.
You see people are rightfully afraid of heartbreaks,
It is an event that can leave a lasting impression on oneself
That can define how you might interact with others from that fateful moment and forward.


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