Good morning, my Lord!

About two days back, I was going into a chapel for morning mass when I happened to see a middle aged woman enter the foyer before the chapel, approach a picture of Jesus of Divine Mercy, kiss His feet and say, 'Good morning!'. I was truly struck for a moment to pause and reflect on how beautiful her relationship with God is- to begin each morning kissing the feet of the Lord and wishing him good morning. So simple an act, with such childlike sincerity, familiarity and love.

I felt then that I should also try to begin each day this way; maybe not necessarily by literally kissing a picture but with a similar heart, saying hello and good morning to our Lord and creator. I often do say 'Good morning' or 'Please don't be like that today!' or 'Why did you make it so it hurts so much when we stub our toe or hit that one spot on our elbow?' when I pass by the pictures of Jesus in my home.I know its silly but I feel like I'm just saying out loud what I'm thinking and if he can hear all my thoughts, then not saying it is like hiding it from Him, right? I'm sorry if my logic isn't very...logical.

 I think it is essential for us to come back to being children before our God though, after all he is our father and I believe we have the freedom to be before Him all that we are- the good, the bad, the ugly. Its not like He doesn't see all of that in our daily lives so its almost odd to me that we try to be little goody-two-shoes when we go before Him in a prayer group or at church and then act otherwise when at home, as we He can't see us outside of church. Why not talk to Him truthfully and honestly (but respectfully, mind you, just as you would to your own father or grandfather) and go from there.

Perhaps this is a matter closer to my heart because I struggled with merging my 'regular' life and my 'prayer' life for a long time. I knew how to do each one separately but I didn't know how to do them to be sarcastic, chai and movie addicted and still say my daily Rosaries or Chaplet of Divine Mercies, got to prayer etc. For me, that was the key in growing in my faith, to be honestly myself before God in everything I do...and keep Him in the loop by talking to Him about everything. I still won't say I've figured it out completely but I have more or less of outline and just need to hammer out the details.

I remember a long time ago at a retreat I attended sometime around Lent and one of the speakers said that she made it a mission for her to begin each day by thinking of God first before anything else. How difficult it is to control our thoughts and how many things we worry about on waking. In total and utter contrast, I woke up today morning and my first thought was a song lyric that I realized I'd been singing wrong this whole time...I know what you're thinking, 'huh?'...the best I can figure, it was probably the continuation of a dream or something. Funny what our minds race to though isn't it? I wonder if it is a reflection of who I am today and right now.

I would love to have my mind focused on God when I wake up or at least through most of the day instead of getting distracted by other things and giving Him last place for time in my life.
Perhaps this is something I can work towards this Lent, to lead each day with earnest and simple faith and try to be faithful to God in little tasks and keep in touch with him in little ways and hopefully that will draw me closer to Him as a whole.


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