An Invisible Passenger
So lately my car has been doing this thing where it can't really tell if a person got up from the passenger seat or not and it keeps beeping the seatbelt sign. Today it happened again and my imagination immediately jumped to, "invisible man?"...and then perhaps because I was heading back from mass, I had a sudden, ableit, old thought that we all have an invisible passenger in our lives--God!. He is constantly beside us, partaking in every activity we undertake and we always forget! There is probably no need to mention that I smiled for the rest my ride home because I had remembered this truth and he was and is still here with you and me.
Lord, help me lead my life everyday with the same attention and love you give me each day. Help me to notice you in those in need around me and to attend to them with love. Amen.
Lord, help me lead my life everyday with the same attention and love you give me each day. Help me to notice you in those in need around me and to attend to them with love. Amen.
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